with professional supervisors
The world of supervision is not always easy to understand for our customers.
There are many different types of supervision and just as many different accreditations.
How can a helping professional make a good choice and how can you clearly profile yourself as a supervisor?
MySupervisor brings supply and demand together.
We offer potential supervisees the opportunity to quickly and efficiently search a suitable supervisor using a selection instrument specially developed for this purpose.
At MySupervisor we offer you the opportunity to present yourself as a supervisor to a broader group of clients. This allows you to create a more diverse customer audience. You can profile yourself distinctively and are easy to find for potential new clients.
Quality of supervision is our top priority. Therefore, only certified supervisors and those in training to become certified are able to register on the platform. Clients therefore know that this is the platform to find a supervisor who meets the quality criteria they are looking for. Everything in one clear overview.
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